When adults volunteer, all students benefit! There are many opportunities for parents and community members to get involved - your help is needed! Complete the Volunteer Interest form and we will be in touch with you. Questions? Contact our Volunteer Coordinator at volunteer@lvepta.org.  

Volunteer Handbook

Important: Only those with a background check on file with be allowed on campus to volunteer. Click Here to complete your yearly background check. **Once your approved status has been confirmed, you will be able to sign up for on campus volunteering.** Background checks reset every year on July 1st.


We are always looking for extra help on our committees. If you are interested, please email pta@lvepta.org or the chair / coordinator in charge of the committee you're interested in. Contact information for coordinators and chairs can be found here. Committee descriptions can be found here


Room Parent Helpers Needed:

  • We are always in the need for room parent helpers! We already have a main point person for each homeroom, but they need help. If you are able to help for your child's homeroom, please consider signing up. 
  • To view the Room Parent Guide and expectation / responsibilities, click here.
  • If you are interested, reach out to your homeroom parent. The contact info of your room parent can be found here

Committee Members Needed:

  • Lunch Duty - help monitor kids, open food packaging, pick up trash through September.
  • Hospitality - help think of themes for each teacher appreciation event, help decorate, help with planning and logistics of the event
  • DOC (Dudes on Campus) - join this group to help with various tasks around the school or be on-call for jobs that are needed. Let us know if you would like to join and we can add you to the WhatsApp group!
  • 5th Grade Party - help 5th grade with their fundraising efforts to fund their 5th grade party; help with planning of the end-of-year party
  • Programs - helping with planning of different programs, like Popsicles in the Park, Kinder Orientation, Healthy Minds, Pastries with Parents, etc.
  • Sponsorship / Auction - reach out to businesses to ask for donations, or items for our silent auction
  • Stickering Kids at Lunch - help us sticker the kids at lunch (stickers serve as a reminder for Spirit Nights and big events)
  • Wednesday Workroom Crew (previously known as Grandparents' Club) - join our on-site crew each Wednesday to help with teacher requests (laminating, cutting, etc.)
  • Viking Store - help our room parents with running the Viking Store for each class or grade-level. Check out our calendars for when the stores run, and the different sign-up lists for each class / grade level.









Annie Caden







Gloria Smith

Annie currently serves as our Parliamentarian AND Spirit Night Coordinator for the second year in a row this year. Annie always has a positive, encouraging attitude and has been on top of it with securing spirit nights for Lakeview. She does a tremendous job with with communicating and promoting our spirit nights. We are thankful for Annie’s contributions to Lakeview!



Mercedes has been a consistent volunteer, always stepping in when help is needed. She served as our Auction Coordinator last year, and volunteered to be a Kinder Room Parent this year. She also helps out tremendously with the Viking Store for both Kinder and 4th grade, and has graciously stepped up to lead 4th grade fundraising efforts for their 5th grade end-of-year celebration next year! Mercedes is a great team player, and a joy to work with. She is supportive and a great leader who is reliable and dependable. We are so happy she is part of our team!



Gloria Smith is part of our Wednesday Workroom Crew. She initially got involved because she is a neighbor of our very own Beth Mullins. Even without any kids at Lakeview, she has given so much of her time each week, helping with laminating and cutting with our Wednesday Workroom Crew. She also serves as our Box Tops Coordinator and has helped Lakeview earn over $400 so far this year by submitting receipts submitted by Lakeview families. We are definitely on track to beat our record of ~$450 earned 3 years ago all thanks to Gloria!




Kimberly Listi


Kimberly is our amazing volunteer coordinator, and her dedication shines through in everything she does. She has been essential in organizing volunteers for many events, including the December volunteer appreciation lunch. Kimberly goes above and beyond to ensure every volunteer feels appreciated and valued. With her constant smile and willingness to help, it's clear how much she cares about our school and community. We are so fortunate to have Kimberly as part of our team!



Val Sanchez

Val/Mrs. Sanchez is not only a teacher at Lakeview, but she is also a parent to a little viking AND a PTA leader. In addition, she sits on numerous committees for Lakeview Elementary. She never hesitates to step up and help if she is available. Over the summer, she came up to school to help inflate all the new recess balls with her sons and she is always filling in when we need help. She has done a spectacular job with our newsletter this year, and has kept our bulletin board fresh and clean with all the updates. Not only does she do so much for our school and our community, she does it with LOVE and Care always. It is evident that she cares a lot about her students and her community by the amount of effort and passion she pours into all her project. We are truly lucky to have such a warm and positive member on our team!

November 2024

Julie Tran

What can we say? Julie is the greatest of all time. This is the 3rd year she is serving as fundraising chair. It’s been amazing to watch her growth as a leader and watch each event she plans improve beyond imagine. She is organized, strategic, and is really able to pull a team together, assign tasks and delegate the work (something which is often challenging for many leaders), and execute perfectly. Her attention to detail is top-notch and apparent if you look through any of her planning spreadsheets. Not only that, she really puts heart into her work and her team. She is encouraging, kind, and personable. We are so grateful to have her as one of our PTA leaders!

November 2024

Shara Arora & Inga Das

Shara and Inga agreed to lead our auction this year. They were both room parents last year and were very on top of things, so we asked them to take on a leadership role with PTA. Lucky for us, they agreed! As soon as they were assigned their roles, they were already asking for documents from the previous year to get started. They worked efficiently and independently, and got things done WELL in advance. They successfully found a suitable auction site, solicited from MANY different businesses to collect auction items, coordinated with our Fundraising Chair, Communications team, and the board for the planning, built the auction website, set up the auction on Movie Night, collected payments, and distributed all the items afterwards. They were able to raise the most we’ve ever raised from an auction in at least the past 5 years! We are so thankful for their determination, organization, and hard work.




Marissa Gutierrez

Marissa is one of our PTA leaders (5th Grade Party Coordinator and the PK Room Parent). She is always jumping in to help whenever we need and extra hand, whether it be stickering kids at lunch, helping with social media, blowing up balloons, helping a the Book fair, or running the Viking Store not only for her class, but for grades who need extra help. She is proactive about keeping her grade up-to-date with all the evens and deadlines coming up too. Marissa is such a dependable and positive asset to our team and our school. We are lucky to have her!




Debbie Hedrick

Debbie is a new volunteer to Lakeview, but came in strong! She is a grandparent and has 3 grandkids at Lakeview ( her kids, and her husband even went to Lakeview!). She didn't have as much time to volunteer as a parent, so she is happy to have more time now to give back to the school and to her grandkids. She stays busy with her 8 grandkids, but still makes it to school to volunteer in ALL the things including Viking Store, stickering kids at lunch, helping at the Book Fair, and helping whenever we have holes to fill! We are SO appreciative of Debbie! 





Don’t mistake leslie for her sister (melissa, above), even though they both share some of the same amazing leadership qualities! Leslie stepped up this summer to be our viking store coordinator and she has been hard at work shopping for prizes for our store, assembling our new viking carts, and even cleaning up and organizing our messy storage closet unprompted! she has a lot of creative talent and helped us whip up a makeshift “large pencil” using random supplies on hand (within 15 min!) for kinder orientation. :)

-- Maggie Ma, PTA Vice President 





Melissa is a returning PTA leader and is once again, overseeing our sponsor-ships for the year. She really hit the ground running and has already secured close to $11,000 in corporate and family sponsorships! Her organization and dependability make her a huge asset to our team and makes the board's job SO much easier. Melissa is so sweet and so easy to work with. She is extremely professional in dealing with our local businesses. She is also always willing to help out wherever she can. She has even stepped up to be room parent for her child's class AND has recruited her sister to be the Viking Store Coordinator for the year.

-- Maggie Ma, PTA Vice President 






 Martin is a new parent to Lakeview! We met him and his family initially at the   Popsicles at the Playground event where he got roped into our Dudes on Campus   group. That same week, he brought his older son to help the rest of our Dudes on   Campus clean up the playground before school started. He also volunteered to dress   up as Mr. Viking to promote our membership drive in the car rider line in the heat.   His enthusiasm and willingness to always help goes a long way and we are so happy that him and his family have joined our Lakeview community! 

-- Maggie Ma, PTA Vice President






Our volunteer of the month is Toni Kelleher! Toni is one of our Lakeview teachers and has been heavily involved with the PTA for years and years. She is full of great ideas, brings a ton of creativity to our group, and is 100% reliable. She has been amazingly proactive this summer and gotten a lot done for the PTA as our official "Teacher Representative" such as created a form for Teacher Favorites, worked on a website for teachers to access PTA resources, worked on our staff directory, and help with finding a good texting app for the school and PTA. We are so excited and lucky to officially have her on our team this year! 

-- Maggie Ma, PTA Vice President 

March 2024

Arnel Saludares

Arnel took on the difficult responsibility of running concessions for our carnival in order to raise money for the 4th grade class for their 5th grade party. Despite very little experience with handling concessions, not much historical data to use for guidance, and not many volunteers to help him, Arnel was very positive and professional during the whole process. He did his job with no complaints and contributed significantly to the success of the carnival!

-- Maggie Ma, PTA Secretary



Melissa Gonzales 

Melissa is our Sponsorship Coordinator this year. She has helped recruit and communicate with all our school sponsors for the year. In addition, she has helped with securing sponsors for our spring carnival, raising $3,000 already just for the carnival! She has been instrumental in raising money for our PTA and her timely and professional communication with our sponsors will help our school create and maintain lasting partnerships with our local community. Thank you fall you do, Melissa!

-- Maggie Ma, PTA Secretary



Jennifer Listi

Jennifer is a proud Viking parent who has helped with so much this year. She is dependable and has helped out with the All-Star store, stickering the kids, and anytime we need a last minute volunteer on-site. In addition, she has submitted her volunteer hours to her employer and earned us money for her volunteer efforts!

-- Maggie Ma, PTA Secretary



Paula Machnik 

Ms. Paula is a long-standing Viking volunteer who has been giving back to Lakeview for over 32 years! She volunteers at the school and leads the Wednesday Workroom Crew every week and helps with all the laminating and cutting for the teachers. She is the only one with magical touch that makes our laminator work!

-- Maggie Ma, PTA Secretary 



Veronica Gagic-Moreno

Veronica is our All-Star Store Coordinator this year and has recently been working really hard to get the store running reliably and efficiently. She has spent a lot of time selecting toys and prizes fro the kids to stock our cart and has ensured that the store has enough volunteers each week. She does a really good job of recruiting volunteers and making them feel welcome and appreciated. We are so appreciative and grateful for her service!

-- Maggie Ma, PTA Secretary



Celina de Leon

Celina is our 5th Grade Party Coordinator who is also tasked with raising funds for the 5th Grade End-of-Year celebration. She tackled down the idea of having a poinsettia sale with the goal of selling 240 poinsettias. We had to end the sale earlier than expected because we sold out of poinsettias! She is the girl who will make calls and get your PTA all the hook ups you never knew could happen. We are lucky to have her on our team this year!

-- Maggie Ma, PTA Secretary



Mercedes Trujillo

After attending the Volunteer appreciation luncheon last year, Mercedes saw that we were still in need of help and willingly agreed to fill any role we needed her in! She graciously accepted the role of Silent Auction Coordinator and has been hard at work ever since the summer securing great auction items for our school. Through her leadership, we were able to DOUBLE the number of auction items this year. She even roped in her husband to help! (Thanks Matt!) Her SIlent Auction committee set a goal of $8,000 and we were able to exceed that amount during the very last hour of bidding. Through her and her committee's efforts, the auction raised over $9,000 to fund teacher grants this year. Thank you so much for all your hard work, Mercedes!

-- Maggie Ma, PTA Secretary



Julie Tran

As a seasoned fundraising expert, Julie brought all her notes and organization to the table and made our movie night such a huge success. She kept detailed records from the previous year which helped with the planning for this year tremendously. To say that her spreadsheets are IMMACULATE, perfectly thought-out, easy to follow, and incredibly logical - is an understatement. Watching her grow from planning and organizing Fall Movie Night last year to this year, it is apparent that she has really filled into her shoes and taken on the form of a great leader. She is able to plan, delegate, communicate effectively, and execute reliably. We are so thankful for her continued involvement and leadership on the PTA!

-- Maggie Ma, PTA Secretary



Shobha Jagannath

Shobha is an LVE Grandparent who signed up to volunteer for the All-Star Store every week last year, and has signed up to volunteer for several weeks this year. She is a lovely person and we are so grateful for all her time dedicated to helping us run the All-Star Store!

-- Veronica Moreno Gagic, All-Star Store Coordinator

August 2023 Katie Landin

Katie Landin is our hospitality chair. She started the year showing our teachers and staff how much we appreciate them! To welcome them back to school we had Travelin Tom's Coffee Truck and Jason's Deli lunch while they were in training and preparing for our kiddos to arrive. She has so many AMAZING meals/events planned for our teachers and staff this year. Katie is so creative and has so many wonderful ideas!

--Kirsten Ramirez, PTA President

August 2023  Linda Le

We knew Linda was perfect for PTA ever since seeing her go to great lengths to win the Membership Drive and most funds raised for the Glow Run last year! She is 100% all in, goes above and beyond every time, and is extremely reliable and proactive. She has had a busy summer planning our Kindergarten Orientation, Boohoo/Yahoo Breakfast, Popsicles at the Park night, anti-bullying assembly for August and more! We are so glad she has joined the team and can’t wait to see what great things she continues to do this year!

--Maggie Ma, PTA Secretary

August 2023 
Kimberly Listi

As volunteer of the year last year, we were so happy to bring on Kimberly as our Volunteer Coordinator this year. Kimberly is always willing to pitch in a helping hand, she gets the job done, and she won't take no for an answer! In addition - she's a STELLAR baker and our hospitality team wouldn't have been the same without her last year.

--Maggie Ma, PTA Secretary