After walking with Mrs. McClanahan at the school last week, I'm sure we can really make an impact on the school. One of the administration's main concerns are the external doors that can look closed but not be fully closed. Here is where we can make sure our kids are safe. Ideally I would love to have one of us be able to check all of the doors right after drop off around 8:15am every morning, but we can start with one guy for Monday, one guy for Wednesday, and one on Friday mornings. You just need to sign in at the font office, check the external doors and sign out - in and out, simple. It should takes 5-10 minutes, then you are off to work.
Next, morning drop off: I had the chance to do drop off this past Tuesday and I think we really need to boost up morning drop offs to every Friday if possible. It's really fun and I want to add sense of humor (karaoke, drums, etc.). Plus, they really need us there!
Lastly, many of you really liked getting together at Panera Bread, so I say we keep it going and make it a monthly thing. The first Sunday of every month can be the DOC meet-up at Panera Bread from 9-10am. Come have some guys-only time and we can come up with more ways to make the school safer and support our kids.
Here is the link to sign up for morning drop-off on Fridays and door checks on MWF. I'm working on getting us some vests to have while doing drop off.
DOC Signup
Feel free to text me or email me if you have more ideas.
Shariff Butt